Ayurveda is the belief that there are three basic doshas, or underlying energies, that make up a person’s constitution: vata, pitta, and kapha.
Vata correlates to air and space, pitta to fire and water, and kapha to water and earth. Each person is born with an essential nature, which is expressed through these doshas.
Your dosha has an impact on the condition of your skin.
You can take our quiz to get a better idea of your dosha, but here are general guidelines.
Vata types tend to have dry skin, dry hair, and a tendency toward rough hands with fingernails that break easily.
Pitta types are prone to sunburn, hives, and rashes.
Kaphas often experience oily skin, large pores, and facial puffiness.
When doshas are in a state of equilibrium, we experience a sense of well-being. But when stress, improper diet, or other influences tip us out of balance, the body lets us know.
“If your skin is feeling normal, use any treatments for your dosha that appeal to you,” advises Reenita Malhotra Hora, author of Inner Beauty. If skin is "showing signs of imbalance, enlist those treatments that target the problem: if dryness is your issue, for example, focus on moisturizing treatments that balance vata.”
Too much vata can lead to fine lines and wrinkles, chapped lips, or rough patches of skin (including eczema and psoriasis).
Imbalanced pittas can break out in acne and rashes.
Imbalanced kapha may cause clogged pores and whiteheads.
Important in Ayurveda is a daily routine that includes abhyanga or self-massage with oil, ideally oil infused with herbs.
A gentle dry brushing before massage helps all doshas.
For each type, count each word that typically describes you. Add up your points to see which dosha(s) dominate. Your secondary dosha will be your second-highest score.